Title: Food Counter Attendant (NOC 65201)
Vacancies: 2
Job start date: As soon as possible
Wage: $17.40 / Hour
Hours: 32 Hours / Week
Terms of employment: Permanent, Full time, Day, Weekend
Employer: Belleville's Premium Quality Watering Hole & Diner Ltd. o/a Belleville's Watering Hole & Diner
Business and Job location: 427 Belleville St. Victoria, BC V8V 1X3
Job requirements
Some Secondary School
Will train
Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities
Fast-paced environment, Repetitive tasks
Serve customers at counters or buffet tables,
Package take-out food,
Use manual and electrical appliances to clean, peel, slice and trim foodstuffs,
Stock refrigerators and salad bars,
Prepare, heat and finish simple food items,
Portion and wrap foods,
Keep records of the quantities of food used
How to apply
By email